Banking & Financial Services recruitment

We are the experts in recruiting qualified, professional and skilled people for the banking and financial services sector. We deal in front, middle and back office positions for investment banks, securities firms, asset management companies and retail banks both in Japan and overseas.

Our expert consultants are trained in financial markets, so you only deal with people who understand both the financial services industry and specific professions. We have an inside track on the best candidates as they come onto the market.

Our consultants would be delighted to discuss how we could help you find staff.

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Hiring Perspective

At Hays Japan, we support hiring for multiple jobs from various clients. These series of interviews capture the company's perspectives on what type of candidates they are looking for.

Enterprise Solutions

We deliver intelligent resourcing through a combination of market insight, technical excellence and unrivalled methodology, providing talent solutions that will transform your business.

Hays Salary Guide

A comprehensive report providing you salary and recruitment trends to guide your talent strategy for the year