Career insights

Articles about Career insights

Career Planning

Planning is a basic, yet key principle used by successful business people. So why not apply the same principles to managing your career? 


Future-proof Your Employability

How can you be confident there will be job opportunities for you in the future? While we don’t claim to have a crystal ball, there are certain steps you should be taking now to future-proof your employability...

Should You Take The Job Just Because It Pays More Money?

Whether you were actively looking for a new position or not, you have found yourself in a situation where you have been offered a new role...


Networking In The New Era Of  Work

Networking: a word that drives fear into the heart of many introverts! That’s often because many still have a stereotypical view of what networking means...


Six Soft Skills You Will Need In The Next Era Of Work

Soft skills are those that are more difficult to define and measure – unlike their opposite, hard skills, which are technical abilities like website design, computing, or writing..

Why Coding Is The New ‘Language’ Of The World

Fast forward to the 21st century and the language that’s becoming more and more popular is that of zeros and ones, of brackets and asterisks, of ampersands and exclamation points. The name of that language? Coding...

Hays Career Advice

Hays is the leading global expert in qualified, professional and skilled recruitment. By truly understanding our candidates and clients, locally and globally, we help people and companies achieve lasting impact. 

We help match thousands of talents and organisations every year which gives us invaluable expertise in all areas of job searching and recruiting.

At Hays, we aim to provide information, tips and guidance so that talents feel as prepared as possible in the hunt for dream job and employers can find it fluent during seeking the right candidates. Read our blog, covering all stages of the job search and recruitment process, or contact a Hays consultant for further advice. 


A job interview is conducted to assess whether the applicant should be hired. Interviews are one of the most popularly used devices for employee selection. Prepare yourself by checking our blogs on the topic of interviews.


Business leaders and professionals must adapt and be agile to the challenges that are presented to them on a daily basis. Read our blogs to understand how you can be a leader to prepare yourself for the uncertain future.

New Work Era

Having transitioned from the chaos we faced in the pandemic – establishing a ‘new normal’ of remote working, changes in working arrangements, and fighting to keep businesses afloat has become the norm.

Career Tips

At the present time, the challenge of ensuring high levels of productivity when working is a very real one for many around the world, regardless of role or, indeed, the size of the business they work in.