Working and job searching from home
With so many people working remotely, this hub provides everything you need in one place to help you to adapt to the new way of working. As your lifelong career partner in Japan we are with you every step of the way to support you.
Interviewing for a new role via video is only increasing in Japan, as our world of work evolves in rapidly changing times.
See howWorking from home with children around is a reality for many parents in these unprecedented times in Japan.
See howContinuing to boost your skills remotely can give you a competitive advantage once the crisis is done in Japan.
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The change and uncertainty during the pandemic may have understandably left you with a feeling that you need to somehow prove yourself, or, position your role as ‘indispensable’. Failing to manage this feeling in the right way, however, could leave you feeling burned out.
Read moreIn these difficult times, most interviews are being conducted remotely. Gaelle is here to share her expert advice for those who are worried about interviewing remotely.
Advise meHow can you get into the right frame of mind before a remote job interview? Follow our top ten tips for how you can adopt a positive mindset before your remote job interview.
Our tipsThe COVID-19 pandemic has forced organisations to undergo significant change and adjust to a new reality. From adapting products or services to adopting new technology to run their business, organisations have undergone levels of change that, pre-crisis, we wouldn’t have thought possible.
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